Ilias Benhima rejoint K Funds

Ilias Benhima rejoint K Funds

Ilias Benhima, précédemment Responsable Juridique EMEA de la plateforme de fonds Alternatifs Ucits chez Bank Of America Merrill Lynch, et, un des piliers de la construction de cette plateforme pendant 7 ans, nous rejoint. Il a par ailleurs travaillé avec certains...

Lancement du site K Funds !

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Flux en HF YTD

Article – Interesting paper in the FT – A survey of hedge fund investors conducted by Credit Suisse found that 63% put money into a start-up this year, up from 43% last year. Allocators are “more active in early stage managers than they’ve been in the past,”...

Le Future des Hedge Funds

Research Paper: AIMA’s ‘Perspectives: Industry Leaders on the Future of the Hedge Fund Industry’ is available. An interesting insight into how technology is reshaping the...

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