Your link
to Europe

How we work for



Raising assets and building a footprint overseas can be long, costly and highly inefficient. Often long term commitments and investments are required. Regulations (MiFIDII, Solvency II,…) and local specificities (Passporting, Distribution Agreements,…) or cultural differences (such as language or presentation style) make things more difficult. Partnering with K Funds is a flexible and cost efficient solution to access European markets.

We know who the clients are, we have the right contacts and we know how to approach them. Diversification of our Investor contacts is also one of our strengths.

Our clients know that we only partner with firms we believe in. Once an asset manager becomes a Partner, K FUNDS becomes an extension of its business. We provide all the local support, as a regional office. We will draw a strategy and set a positioning to grow the brand locally and raise assets. This can involve product development, marketing strategy and events, communications, accommodating client preferences, operational and qualitative due diligence, risk analytics, regulation, etc…

Within a few weeks, we can implement the strategy and introduce our partner to the right contacts. We will apply a highly efficient, scalable and proven strategy to gain visibility and generate investors interest.

At K Funds, our objective is to build successful long term relationships between investors and our Partners.


the right


Our network is broad and made of Qualified
Institutional Investors only :



national andregional banks

fund of funds

insurance companies

pension funds



distribution platforms


sovereign wealth funds

supranational funds

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229 rue Saint-Honoré, 75001 Paris

+33 (0)1 87 42 24 57

+33 (0)6 66 82 12 76