How we work for
K Funds is remunerated exclusively by the asset manager and is at no cost to the Investor.
Our Investor network is made up of extremely busy people. Knowing that our Asset Manager Partners have been carefully and independently selected, makes K Funds a credible actor in this space. Every fund will have been through an extensive qualitative and quantitative due diligence process. Beyond the investment teams, we select Partners that we believe will outperform over the long run.
“ K Funds is about facilitating the relationship between the manager and the investor.
Once introduced, K Funds acts as an extension to the Asset Manager’s business. We will provide all the local support a regional office would supply. K Funds becomes a partner to the investor and the asset manager, facilitating the relationship, the information flow, helping and advising when necessary. K Funds is also all about helping to resolve issues with distributor agreements, regulatory requirements or dedicated reporting for the investor.
Finally, we believe in being part of an ecosystem of experts (Investors and Asset managers). We believe in caring for the members of that space. We want people to succeed, therefore we will always thrive to grow, promote, educate, help, advise members of this community of experts.